Shit Hits The Fan

We were about two hours away from home after returning from Harlingen (about 16 hours on the road) when we got the call from the bank . . not good.

We had been working a deal in Fort Collins that would allow us to leverage investments there and use that money for the work we wanted to do in Harlingen. Never had it entered our minds that the particular deal in Fort Collins (of all of the balls we were juggling) would not go through. If asked, we each would have said 99% sure that deal would have gone smoothly. After all, we were just tapping into existing equity.

So two hours outside if FTC, the deal went 100% sour. By 100%, I mean the bank went from no issues at all with the deal, to not wanting to do the deal at all. We were stunned. Everything we were planning counted in this money. As I said, we had never even considered it wouldn’t be there.

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